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Pomer: “Grazie al Grc efficienze e nuove opportunità per le aziende”


Il business development manager di Stratos Analytics: “Il Governance, Risk & Compliance è un’area sempre più rilevante. Le società che devono adeguarsi alle norme possono sfruttare l’occasione per rinnovare i processi e per gestire i rischi nel modo più efficiente grazie alle nuove piattaforme informatiche”


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Stratos Analytics e l’approccio sartoriale alle analisi finanziarie: «Aiutiamo i CFO a uscire dalla loro comfort zone»


Il modello Stratos Analytics per la gestione end-to-end del dato finanziario, dalla raccolta all’organizzazione, dall’analisi all’infuse. «Non dobbiamo vendere tecnologia ma tranquillità»



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IBM OpenPages with Watson wins “Best UI Innovation” at the Risk Market Technology Awards


As we move into the new year, it’s clear that the turbulence that defined 2020 is not going away. Even after the COVID-19 pandemic subsides, its resultant economic and social uncertainty will linger...



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What’s new in OpenPages with Watson 8.2 release


IBM is excited to announce the availability of IBM OpenPages with Watson version 8.2, a dramatic upgrade that brings additional functionality and automation to the product, all of which is designed to ease and streamline governance and compliance processes within financial institutions and beyond...



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Stratos Analytcs S.r.l. Centro Direzionale

"Leonardo Da Vinci"

Via Pavia 9 / A1 - 10099 Rivoli (TO)

+39 011 950 00 00 +39 011 958 88 22

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